
Pork producer hit with fines

Pork producer hit with fines

Jun 12, 2011

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UNION CITY — A pork producer recently paid $12,693 to the Indiana Department of EnvironmentalManagement to settle a complaint that his hogs’ manure killed nearly 47,000 fish in 2008.

Rick Kremer and State Line Agri, Ansonia, Ohio, paid the civil penalty on Friday, about two months after an IDEM inspection found that he had not completed three “supplemental environmental projects” required in an agreed order on July 24, 2009.

At that time, in lieu of paying the civil penalty, Kremer agreed to replace existing county drainage tile that is 112 years old, to install a grass and tree buffer along Price Ditch to help filter and reduce potential contaminants, reduce soil erosion and improve wildlife habitat and to install a tree buffer and windbreak around hog buildings to screen, filter and disperse potential air contaminants exhausted from the buildings.

The agreed order called for the projects to be completed by July 24, 2010.

“Part of the supplemental environmental project was prohibited by dry weather last fall, and they had difficulty getting the rest of it done, so they opted to pay the balance instead of completing the project,” said IDEM spokesman Barry Sneed.

Kremer already had reimbursed the Indiana Department of NaturalResources $13,696 for the value of damage to an estimated 46,962 bass, bluegill, carp, catfish, creek chub, darters, minnows, stonerollers, suckers and other fish killed in an eight-mile stretch of Little Mississinewa River.

“A plan is being developed to use the funds for a fish habitat project that will help native fishes recover and repopulate in or near the kill zone,” said Phil Bloom, a DNR spokesman. “The project has several partners: DNR, Randolph County Soil and Water Conservation District, Randolph County surveyor, U.S. Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service and the Indiana State Department of Agriculture. The goal is to have the project installed later this year or in 2012.”

Kremer had land-applied manure when soil and weather conditions were unsuitable.

The supplemental environmental projects would have cost Kremer much more than the civil penalty. He previously paid $2,800 of the original civil penalty of $14,000. He had agreed to complete the environmental projects in lieu of paying the remainder of the civil penalty.

The penalty he paid Friday included the remaining $11,200, plus $1,493 in interest.

Damages to the fish population were determined using American Fisheries Society guidelines that calculate the average cost for a hatchery to raise a fish of the same species to the same size.

“All fish have a value,” Bloom said in 2009. “The larger the fish, the more it’s worth.”

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Bass Capitol of the World…….Florida!!

Vision: The worldwide angling public recognizes Florida as the “Bass Fishing Capital of the World,” based on great resources and responsible management. Florida’s bass fisheries provide outstanding ecological, social and economic benefits to the state of Florida.

Introduction: This Black Bass Management Plan for Florida incorporates wide spread public input from surveys, public events and meetings, a citizen’s Technical Assistance Group (TAG),and Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) staff from multiple divisions and offices. We collectively created the plan to ensure Florida is the undisputed “Bass Fishing Capital of the World.” The FWC will use the plan as a road map and for impetus in dedicating and acquiring resources to ensure we fulfill the goal and realize the vision. Although the management plan time frame is 2010-2030, this “living” document will allow adaptive management, public input and new scientific breakthroughs to continually help us improve our results. Our purposes are:  Create a scientifically justified document to guide FWC efforts. Ensure the public has open input into the objectives and priorities to create ownership and provide support for conservation efforts. Be proactive and open to new ideas. See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Background: Florida is recognized as the “Fishing Capital of the World” based on the number of freshwater and saltwater anglers, amount of time spent fishing, economic impact, diversity of recreational species, international fishing records set here and tourists who use our resources. Bass anglers spend more than 14 million days fishing in Florida each year, which generates $1.25 billion for the state’s economy. With 3 million acres of freshwater lakes, ponds, and reservoirs, and 12,000 miles of rivers, streams, and canals, Florida is a premier destination for bass anglers. The Florida largemouth bass(Micropterus salmoides floridanus)is genetically unique and has been stocked worldwide because of its potential for rapid growth to trophy size (10 pounds or heavier). Every year, a few Florida anglers catch 13- to 15-pound trophy largemouthbass. Moreover, Florida has shoal (M. cataractae), spotted (M. punctulatus)and Suwannee bass (M. notius), each one of which exists only in discrete areas and requires specific habitat andprey to maintain its population.

The fishing public perceives Florida to be among the top bass fishing states, but the fishery and trophy fish availability are depletedfrom historic levels in many localities, as documented in big-fishtournament records over the past several decades. Numerous pressures challenge fish management, including human population growth and development, declining water qualityand current water management and fish management policies. Climate change, including precipitation and sea level changes, may create additional impacts. Preliminary surveys of stake holders indicate overall satisfaction with the fishery but some concerns about negative impacts on bass populations and fishing opportunities, and the need foran enhanced management strategy.

The Black Bass Management Plan: This plan is action-based and will help FWC staff develop solutions for management issues such as habitat enhancement, aquatic plant management, fisheries regulations and appropriate stocking plans, while improving communications about angling ethics and opportunities, ensuring access, and reaching out to youth to keep them engaged in recreational fishing and conservation. The plan must be integrated with other local, state and federal programs. Effective implementation of the plan should also benefit fishing-dependent private businesses and create jobs, including those that indirectly profit(gas stations, local grocers, motels, and restaurants), and riparian land owners whose waterfront property values are affected by aesthetics and fishing quality. Highlighted below are some of the most innovative and key action items contained in the plan. New opportunities Identify new or special opportunities to create or substantially enhance black bass fisheries, and ensure FWC is proactive about opening new fisheries for the public. Successfully implementing new opportunities will require an aggressive, proactive, science-based approach that also involves local citizenry. Pursue public access to reservoirs during their planning phase, andVision: The worldwide angling public recognizes Florida as the “Bass Fishing Capital of the World,” based on great resources and responsible management.

Florida’s bass fisheries provide outstanding ecological, social and economic benefits to the state of Florida.FISHINGALLOWED New opportunities (continued)develop management plans andc ooperative agreements to produce appropriate trophy black bass fisheries. Make it easy for the public to find places to fish and freshwater public access (ramps, piers, shoreline access)using electronic and print media.? Formalize partnerships with watermanagement districts; federal, local andstate government agencies; and privatelandowners to enhance public access. Help local communities attract major bass tournaments by enhancing ramps and associated facilities that will benefit local economies and anglers. Implement complete de-water renovations on aging reservoirs and lakes with water control structures to stimulate trophy largemouth bass fisheries.

Habitat management: Habitat management is the most important component of maintaining good fisheries. Prevent habitat degradation in areas of existing healthy habitat in collaboration with other agencies as needed.  Manage native plants to create and maintain a symbiotic relationship between plants, fish, and people that will improve and sustain black bass fisheries. Implement FWC’s new hydrilla management position on specificwater bodies to improve largemouthbass fishing. Partner with WMDs and the Corps of Engineers to develop new water regulation schedules and to monitor and recommend minimum flows and levels to help maintain healthy black bass populations. Improve bass habitat conditions by manipulating water levels for fisheries enhancement purposes. Fish management Black bass management generally involves actions that affect rates of recruitment, growth, natural mortality, and fishing mortality for bass. Establish customized harvest regulations to manage black bass populations at selected water bodies. Determine the potential effects of bedfishing on black bass populations. Ensure genetic diversity, fitness, and conservation of Florida largemouth bass. Ensure the genetic integrity, fitness,and conservation of endemic black basswithin Florida Panhandle river systems. Stock fingerling (Phase-I, about 1inch long) largemouth bass into new reservoirs and into lakes following major fish kills or droughts. Stock advanced-sized (Phase-II, 4-6inches) largemouth bass fingerlings into water bodies where recruitment is limited.People management Human dimensions are critical to effective implementation of a black bass management plan, including communication, education, ethics, outreach, marketing, partnerships, tournament management, user conflicts, trophy bass documentation, data monitoring, imperiled species, and law enforcement. Implement a trophy fish documentation and release program. Involve stakeholders early in the process of major, resource-specificmanagement actions such as new regulations and major habitat renovations. Design and implement a completemarketing plan for the BBMP andFlorida’s bass fishing.? Build partnerships with bass anglers,other stakeholders, government agencies, institutions, and private industry to complete fishing and lake improvement projects. Cooperate with the bass tournament industry and citizens to effectively manage bass tournaments to minimize negative perceptions. Thank you to Glen Lau for use of the images.Supported by Federal Aid in Sport Fish RestorationFor more information,



CONTACT:Division of Forestry/Central OfficeRick Rogers, Forest Resources Program Manager, 907-269-8473

– The Alaska Board of Forestry  released its 2010 report on implementation of the Alaska Forest Resources and Practices Act (FRPA) this week. The board announced that the act continues to protect fish habitat and water quality while providing for commercial timber and fishing operations.  “The Board is confident of the act’s effectiveness because of extensive data available from six years of road condition surveys by  the  Department of Natural Resources (DNR) and  the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G), eight years of compliance monitoring by DNR, and 19 years of effectiveness monitoring by resource agencies and the timber industry,” said  Chris Maisch,  the state forester and  the  board’s presiding officer.

The act governs how commercial timber harvesting, reforestation, and timber access occur on state, private, and municipal land.  Forest management standards on federal land must also meet or exceed the standards for state land established by FRFA. The act was adopted in 1978 and it has been revised multiple times since to add riparian standards and other protective measures.  State agency  compliance  monitoring, led by the Division of Forestry, determines whether  the act’s  best management practices are applied consistently and correctly on the ground.  Statewide, the monitoring results this year were the strongest ever, with regional scores averaging 4.8 out of a perfect score of 5.0 in Coastal Alaska (Region I), 4.9 in Southcentral (Region II), and 4.7 in Interior Alaska (Region III).

Over the last six years, DNR and ADF&G supplemented the compliance monitoring program with field surveys of closed and inactive forest roads.  Teams of habitat biologists and foresters surveyed every fish stream crossing on 1,891 miles of forest roads on non-federal land in Southeast Alaska.  Notably, the surveys found only 20 culverts with significant issues for fish passage on those roads – approximately one culvert of concern per 94 miles ofroad.  Follow-up surveys of upstream fish habitat were conducted on problem sites, sites have been prioritized for repair, and cooperative efforts are underway to correct the short list of problems identified.

The surveys also checked reforestation and found near-perfect results.Effectiveness monitoring evaluates whether  the act successfully protects fish habitat and water resources.  Alaska hosts one of the longest continuous effectiveness monitoring projects in the country.  Since 1992, state and federal government agencies and private industry have cooperated on an exhaustive study of the status and trends of fish habitat conditions in streams subject to forest harvesting under the act’s best management practices.

Partners in this effort include the Alaska Departments of Environmental Conservation (DEC), ADFG, DNR, the U.S. Forest Service and Sealaska Corp.  The partners  jointly fund this work and provide technical expertise to ensure that state-of-the-art science is employed.  This study includes pre- and post-harvest data on 21 anadromous streams in 19 different watersheds in southeast Alaska.  The study has not found any significant adverse impacts  from harvesting on fish habitat in these watersheds.  This work has resulted in numerous reports, scientific meetings, and award-winning, peer reviewed literature publications.  Maisch also noted the role of field inspections in ensuring the act’s success.  “In the last five years alone, the Division of Forestry has conducted over 1,100 inspections on forest operations statewide.

Inspectors ensure that operators are in compliance with best management practices and provide training and enforcement if problems arise.  Many inspections are conducted jointly with ADF&G or ADEC. Their participation and expertise are essential to the implementation of the act.” The report is available on the Division of Forestry web site at

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Forage Fish Survey

Island County Marine Resources

Forage Fish are a key link in the marine food web supporting much larger, predator species such as salmon. Without vast numbers of these finger-size fish, which typically swim in schools, the larger predators and many seabirds could not be sustained. In Puget Sound the three principal species of forage fish are Pacific Herring, Sand Lance and Surf Smelt, and the health of these populations is of great importance to all working for marine recovery.

At Cornet Bay on the northern tip of Whidbey Island, the MRC is working with volunteers from WSU Beach Watchers to survey several shoreline areas for the presence of forage fish eggs. Beach Watchers are doing this monitoring as part of our Cornet Bay Restoration project to establish a baseline and document any changes that occur during and after the completion of bulkhead removal and other shoreline restoration.

Our Cornet Bay project is designed to improve spawning habitat for forage fish and nearshore habitat for forage fish and salmon by eliminating a source of beach scouring, expanding intertidal habitat, improving beach composition and improving riparian vegetation. Removing the bulkhead also will eliminate a source of any leaching of hydrocarbons onto the beach.

Two of Puget Sound’s principal forage fish, Pacific Sand Lance and Surf Smelt, deposit their eggs in the upper intertidal zone on sandy-gravelly beaches. Protecting and restoring healthy spawning habitat for these forage fish is an important component of salmon restoration.

We have been conducting forage fish research since the MRC was founded in 1999. Late that year we bagan the design and sponsorship of a comprehensive, multi-year, nearshore project. Regional forage fish spawning habitat surveys evolved from that.The year 2000 Marine Ecosytstem Health Progrgram (MEHP) grant of $17,000 was the first funding awarded for this Island County effort, which subsequently grew to encompass all seven NWSC counties with cosponsors and cofunders. Over time it attrtacted hundreds of thousands of dollars in awards from the Salmon Recovery Funding Board (SRFB), Northwest Straits Commission (NWSC), National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF).

This was the largest geographic forage fish habitat assessment/mapping project in the owrld. Its goal was to biologically identify beaches used as spawning areas by Surf Smelt, Pacivfic Sand Lance and Pacific Herring that form the core of the food chain for salmon, rockfish, shore birds, diving birds an dmany mammals. Upon completion the forage fish component of the MRC’s larger nearshore project established a baseline for futgure monitoring and provided valuable information for county shoreline users, planners, developers and property owners.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Artificial PVC Fish Attractors for New Pond Construction and Renovation

Here’s another great story written by Brad Wiegmann, outdoor writer, professional angler and fishing guide. Artificial fish habitat, fish attractors, fish cover, PVC fish habitat, artificial fish attractors……..what kind do I need just to catch a few bass  or crappie?

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Fish habitat restoration projects support Pacific Northwest jobs

Power Administration funded fish and wildlife habitat restoration projects support hundreds of jobs and boost the Pacific Northwest economy. For example, Thompson Bros. Excavating, a construction company in Vancouver, Wash., says approximately half of their work now involves fish habitat restoration projects. In 2010, BPA spent more than $97 million on habitat restoration in four northwestern states, supporting an estimated 1,700 jobs.

Pamperin Park dams near Green Bay to be removed….

Duck Creek fish habitat would improve

12:10 PM, Jun. 7, 2011  |


Isaac Deicher, Green Bay, walks across Duck Creek on Friday below a dam at Pamperin Park. Two dams at the park are scheduled to be removed. / H. Marc Larson/Press-Gazette

Written by
Tony Walter

Duck Creek plan

» Remove the upper and lower dams at Pamperin Park but retain the roadway for park maintenance needs.
» Improve fish habitat to natural conditions, installing reef areas at locations of removed structures.
» Maintain and improve the Oneida Golf and Country Club dam and do some bank improvements to impede upstream migration of sea lamprey.
— Oneida Environmental, Health & Safety Division

Some man-made structures are keeping fish from getting to Lake Michigan from Duck Creek, but that’s about to change.

An agreement is close to being completed that would remove both dams at Pamperin Park and alter one on the part of the creek that runs adjacent to Oneida Golf and Country Club in Green Bay.

The Brown County Board’s Education and Recreation Committee is expected to meet shortly before the full board meeting on June 15 to approve a resolution aimed at creating a smoother path for fish trying to get to the bay. The County Board will then vote on the resolution that night.

The Oneida Environmental Health & Safety Division, the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service, the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, the Oneida Golf and Country Club and the Brown County park have agreed that the pool between the two Pamperin Park dams hinders fish movement.

Law enforcement officials say the pool could invite people to poach salmon, trout and other fish found in the creek.

“We’ve been monitoring this for over a decade,” said Jim Snitgen, water resources supervisor for the Oneida Tribe of Indians, who said the work would cost about $120,000 and be funded through grants. No county tax funds are being used on the project.

Pamperin Park is the largest developed park in the county. County officials believe the two small dams were built during the 1930s along with the pavilion as part of the New Deal’s Works Progress Administration.

Snitgen said fish congregate below a dam because it’s a good habitat. But he said the removal of the dam will actually improve fishing conditions because there will be a more natural flow.

The dam at the golf course isn’t expected to be removed, but will be altered to allow the fish to swim easily downstream while preventing any endangered species from getting upstream.

The headwaters of Duck Creek are near Freedom. The stream winds through tribal property before reaching Pamperin Park.

Brown County Parks Director Doug Hartman said it is hoped that the dams could be removed this year but isn’t sure that can happen. He said the DNR won’t approve reconstruction of the dams in disrepair and removal of the dams shouldn’t create any high water problems along Duck Creek because the dams are small.

“It’s a win, win,” he said. See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

“Retired NFL veteran and Fishiding customer, Aaron Graham, placing our products in his private pond in Gretna, Nebraska”.

Football players fish too!

Recently, we sent an array of different fishiding products out to what may seem to be an unlikely place for fish habitat. Gretna, Nebraska, filled with flowing prairies, lush woodlands and yes, lakes and ponds. It only took a couple of e-mails to really hit off a friendship formed from a mutual love of the outdoors. We talked about fishing and hunting experiences as well as the need to promote habitat restoration for all fish and wildlife. Aaron owns a company called Premier Outdoor Properties,Inc., who specialize in large tract properties for the outdoorsman and nature lover alike. Teaming up with Cabela’s, they offer full real estate services along with knowedgable staff who love the outdoors, helping their clients achieve their individual goals. Whether it’s hunting for upland birds, or fishing for trout, these folks have what it takes to find that perfect piece of heaven.

After talking in detail about the pond and his goals, Aaron and I came up with  a habitat plan that would help the fishery and continue to allow swimming and other water activities continue as always.”My biologists brings by extra bluegill fry when he gets them otherwise only feeding is by hand.  The pond design pic is exactly what we built. On one end we have shallow bedding areas 2-3′ deep. We do have an aerator and are looking to add a fountain this summer om the other end. Depth is about 9 ft with 3:1 slopes. We treat for algae and weeds once a year. The bottom is clay and sealed with ESS13 (betonite type product.)”

We sent out a group of 19 structure units ranging from shallow water cradles, to the deepest keeper units, for the deepest section of the lake. The key to installing fish habitat is placing it continuously, from shallow to deep water. When fry are hatched, it is in the shallow, warm water in the spring. These tiny little guys need tight, dense cover to hide in from predators, being mom and dad as well. Fish will eat whatever is available to them, including their own fry. After a few months growing and hiding in the shallow cover, they explore the lake out to maybe four to six feet of water. Here they continue to grow and hide amongst the provided habitat, still vulnerable to the larger predators. Over time, they grow to the preffered size to become food for the largest predators to feed on. Without this nursery and constant renewal of fish that survive, your lake or pond cannot become completely balanced, providing a healthy year class of new fish annually.

There are many benefits to using artificial pvc fish attractors, sometimes called fish habitat or fish cover. The most obvious would be the fact that they will last forever. For years fisherman and lake and pond management companies have been installing various natural/wood products for fish habitat. This works great, but only for a short time. Depending on the water quality, they may decompose a soon after as one year, typically in 2-4 years. Only half of that time underwater, does the structure hold it’s shape and provide usable habitat. The younger generation of biologists and fisheries professionals see the added benefits to the fish, when the habitat stays for good to be used continuously.

All the products  that offers come with self weighted containers, with no assembly, tools or suppies needed. Just bend each limb to any shape you like and toss it in the lake. The base sinks first every time to stand the unit upright in the vertical position as it comes to rest on the lake floor. Testing has shown each unit will stand vertical on slopes up to thirty degree, with an array of lake bed material types.

The real payoff is to see the results first hand. Getting our kids involved in the outdoors, not only from an enjoyment standpoint, but also to educate. We as adults have the obligation to educate the youth of America regarding the need to restore, save and conserve the great outdoors God has given to us all to enjoy and protect. Some of that starts with recycling.

Fishiding is currently the only producer of fish habitat products of any kind, made entirely from reclaimed pvc products. Much effort has been put into gaining a network of suppliers to provide material to be used for habitat in lieu of getting dumped in a landfill. The concept seems simple enough, Allowing this new patented process and concept to explode into over 40 states and counting.

During this off season, take some time to look over the website and see all the different products, sizes and textures of artificial fish habitat attractors available for every application. Aaron promised to keep us up to date with his pond and the habitat we installed. Go Green! and help reclaim lost or degraded fish habitat today, with the most cost effective, environmentally friendly fish attractors available.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Montana…Proposal to Temporarily Waive Fishing Limits

Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks is seeking public comment on a proposal to temporarily waive fishing limits on 12 lakes as part of its ongoing native cutthroat trout restoration program.

The fishing limit wavier would run July 15, 2011 through October 1, 2011 on 10 lakes in the South Fork Flathead drainage (George, Woodward, Pyramid, Pilgrim, and the Upper and Lower Three Eagles lakes and four lakes in the Necklace chain of lakes). Anglers would be encouraged to keep all the hybrid trout they can catch.

An additional waiver would be in effect July 15, 2011 through September 1, 2011 on Cherry and Granite lakes in the Cherry Creek drainage, a tributary to the Big Hole River. Anglers would be encouraged to catch and keep hybrid trout and brook trout.

Similar fishing, limit waivers allowed anglers to participate successfully in several native fish restoration projects in recent years. The limit waiver encourages anglers to remove as many nonnative trout as possible to hasten native cutthroat trout restoration objectives. Six of the South Fork of the Flathead lakes would be “swamped” with an abundant stocking of pure westslope cutthroat fingerlings too small to be caught by anglers to eventually dilute the nonnative genes in the remaining population. In late August and September, the Cherry Creek lakes and the Necklace chain of lakes would be treated with rotenone, a fish toxicant commonly used by fishery managers to remove unwanted fish from streams and lakes and then restocked with native cutthroat trout.

The westslope cutthroat trout is Montana’s state fish. FWP’s restoration effort is aimed at averting a federal endangered species listing by increasing the range of cutthroat trout in the state.

Available Maps of Lakes to which Limit Waivers Apply

Comment Deadline

Calendar iconComment deadline is 5 PM on June 20, 2011.See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Opportunity for Public Comment

Group works to improve habitat

By Mindy Ward, Missouri Farmer Today

Wednesday, April 27, 2011 1:29 PM CDT

CUBA, Mo. — Bob Baker did not know an endangered species was living in his cattle’s watering hole.

The pink mucket mussel resides in the mud and sand of Baker’s Lick Creek in Crawford County.

The mussel is not easily identified in the creek bed because it buries itself in the sand and gravel with only the edge of its shell exposed.

Over the years, flooding damaged most of the mussel’s habitat, reducing its gravel and sand supply. In some areas, pollution took a toll on the population.

The reduction in numbers caused it to make the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s endangered species list.

Baker and his wife, Nicky, operate a registered Hereford cow/calf operation on the land surrounding the creek.

Bob Baker and his wife, Nicky, visit their cows under a portable shade structure. The unit was made possible with funding from the Fishers and Farmers partnership. Photo courtesy Missouri Department of Conservation

They knew the mussel was present, but did not realize it was endangered until a visit from a Missouri Department of Conservation fisheries management biologist.

“For some, the endangered species can be a bone of contention,” Kenda Flores says.

“Some fear that the government is going to take property away. They fear they are going to lose their rights.

“So, we try to alleviate these fears.”

Instead of claiming the stream and the surrounding land, Flores worked with landowners to find ways to improve habitat for the mussel, while improving the farm.

She helped coordinate a group of landowners in the Meramec Basin-Lower Bourbeuse watershed, which includes Little Bourbeuse, Brush Creek, Lick Creek and PBoone Creek.

“We needed to come up with projects and a cost-share rate so that these landowners would see the endangered mussel flowing through the river as an advantage,” she adds.

The goal at Baker’s Echo Bluff Farms was to restrict cattle access to the stream.

Baker just switched to a management-intensive-grazing system, and water to pastures was important.

He drilled a well and put in ground water tanks. A new pond serves as an alternative water source.

A creek crossing allows passage between paddocks without cattle walking through the creek. New trees line the bank.

Finally, Baker fenced off the creek from his stock.

Still, there was the need to replace the shade the trees along the creek provided during hot Missouri summers. So, he erected portable 10x20x12-foot shade structures that can move from pasture to pasture.

Baker’s total out-of-pocket expense? Not a dime.

“They paid 90 percent of the cost of drilling the water well, putting in pipeline to waterers and the other projects. I only had 10 percent to pick up,” he explains.

“But, they had an in-kind labor, where I could work off the other 10 percent. That is why I think this program is so great.”

The program is part of the Fishers and Farmers Partnership. Baker was one of a few landowners who benefited from the program early on.

Since then, the number of landowners requesting projects has exceeded the funding, Flores says.

“Certainly, any habitat restoration has to make economic sense for farmers,” says Rob Pulliam, fisheries management biologist with the Missouri Department of Conservation.

“This is just one place where we can provide that technical and financial assistance.”

With Flores now serving Southwest Missouri, Pulliam oversees the partnership.

Fishers and Farmers serve not only to provide technical assistance to landowners, but also financial assistance. The program looks for public funding opportunities through government grants, as well as, private funding from companies or organizations.

To date, the Meramec Watershed Basin project is the largest partner-driven project recognized as a “Water to Watch” by the National Fish Habitat Action Plan.

The National Fish Habitat is a cooperative nationwide program to protect, restore and enhance the habitats of the nation’s marine and freshwater fish populations.

It is under the advisement of a voluntary board of public and private sector entities that oversee the implementation of the National Fish Habitat Action Plan.

“Actually, because of the success of Missouri’s partnership with landowners, it was looked at as a model for the national program of Fishers and Farmers,” Pulliam adds.

“Our state had been finding public and private partnerships for a long time.”

Pulliam says improving fish habitat while addressing farmers needs works.

“It is not either cattle or the endangered mussel,” he says. “We can have both.”

The program allows farmers and conservationists to discuss talk about how to accomplish their goals.

“It is critical to have that local leadership,” Pulliam adds. “Our landowner committees make this work.”

Growth of the project comes via neighbor talking to neighbor.

“This program really works,” Baker says. “It helped keep the cattle out of the creek and is helping the fish and mussels, too.”

Flores and Pulliam applaud the landowners of the Meramec Basin for their willingness to be involved in improving water quality.

“This is a group that really understands that improving water quality is important for the longevity of fish and streams,” Flores says.

Pulliam adds, “The watershed is more than just about the fish and habitat, though. It is about land cover, trees and grassland and the people who live and use this place.”

While much of his time is spent tending to cattle, there is something about preserving even a small mussel that resonates with Baker.

“The older we get, the more we look at helping the next generation and more concerned about what they will have when we are gone,” he says.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

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