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Urgent News on Bad Free Trade Deals | ||
| There is sudden movement to ram through one sided so-called “free trade” deals with Korea, Colombia, and Panama. Working in Asia really opened my eyes to the truth about these deals. I saw firsthand how in spite of all the talk of free trade, there is really no such thing as goods only flow to the USA, plus how difficult it is for us to export to Asian nations. It is no surprise they have other priorities, such as taking care of their own. They know that manufacturing is vital to economic growth and prosperity. Additionally, they have complex legal and cultural barriers beyond just direct tariffs. For example, Korea protects its automotive industry not so much through direct tariffs that even our politicians could comprehend, but through more subtle barriers – the Korean IRS very, very often audits the taxes of those Koreans that dare to buy American or other foreign cars. That is why the Korean Free Trade deal is such a fiasco for the USA. It deals with direct tariffs, while completely ignoring the deeper factors that keep our products out. TheEconomic Policy Institute estimates we will actually have a net loss 160,000 jobs in the USA if this goes through. Plus, the jobs lost would be good manufacturing jobs, while the jobs gained here would be lower paying agricultural harvesting, etc. meaning wages would drop there too. I was a Finance Executive at my former company and ran Market Research for a stint too, so I know numbers. The fact is I have seen zero valid evidence in the numbers that ANY of the so-called free trade deals actually cause a net gain of jobs or wages here in our nation. The numbers they cite can only be called propaganda. There is obvious evidence that a small number of USA people and companies gain, although many more of our folks lose. That means the net change is a net loss to our people as a whole! One would think that with the economy down, those that benefit from our nation’s decay would give it a rest, and let these free trade deals wait, but The Wall Street Journal reports that our largest national retailer (a Wal-Mart minion is in fact quoted in the article —http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052702304066504576349832361669832.html) sent their lobbyists to visit all 100 senators last week in an effort to ram through the so-called “free trade” agreements with Korea, Panama, and Columbia. The large chain stores give huge donations to the national level of the US Chamber of Congress. In spite of many local Chamber of Congress’s being all about “Made in USA”, the national level is sadly point man for this lobbying blitz. A rather desperate sounding national level Chamber executive quoted in the WSJ: “’We’re fighting like hell because if the vote doesn’t happen by the recess, we risk it not happening in the fall,’ said Christopher Wenk, senior director for international policy at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.” Now the few that benefit from our nation’s decay are rallying the best lobbyist mercenary’s money can buy and with truckloads of blood money are coming hard to get these three trade deals passed before Congress recesses in August. If we can delay them until then, we win for this year. No politician wants this to see the light of day just before the election. Isn’t that reason enough to stand against it? Please stand with me and take just a few minutes to lobby your senators. Together, with your help and many other good folks, let’s do all we can to stop these free trade deals. It is very easy to contact your senator, simply click here: http://senate.gov/ There is a menu at the top right to select your state, look for the contact button on the senator’s page. They will know exactly what you mean when you mention stopping the Korean/Columbia/Panama free trade deals. Sometimes we need to take a stand… Sincerely, Todd Todd Lipscomb Founder of www.MadeinUSAForever.com Author of “Re-Made in The USA” (http://madeinusaforever.com/reinushowwec.html) See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper. |
Author: david
Restoring the river…….
Editorial: Restoring the river: Cedar Creek residents can play a crucial role
Published: Wednesday, June 01, 2011, 6:57 AM

Cedar Creek Township residents, especially those living along Maple Island and River roads, should do everything they can to assist with the survey of the Muskegon River in their neighborhood.
It’s their chance to help fix a long-standing problem and possibly improve the use of Muskegon County’s natural resources and the land they own. The survey may also result in suggestions that prevent the thousands of dollars in damage or losses created when extensive flooding occurs.
Mike Wiley, a professor in the University of Michigan’s School of Natural Resources and Environment, and doctoral student Mike Fainter are surveying the Muskegon River, particularly in the floodplain near Maple Island and River roads, to explore the effects of reopening the Maple River. The Maple River was blocked more than a century ago during the lumbering era to increase the flow in the Muskegon River and more quickly move logs to the lumber mills downstream.Wiley predicts the Muskegon River will change its course in Cedar Creek Township in the next 50 years because of the closing of the Maple River and partial damming of the Muskegon River under U.S. 31. He said sediment in the Muskegon River has raised the river channel, creating a delta prone to flooding.
He’s already held a community meeting to ask residents what they want the Muskegon River to look like in the future. The researchers are seeking photos of the river and past floods, especially those that show how high the water was. Photos can be dropped off at Maple Island Grocery, 3465 N. Maple Island, Twin Lake.
While the flooding is on a much larger scale, perhaps there are lessons for Muskegon County residents from the Netherlands, where two-thirds of the people live and 70 percent of the Dutch economy is generated in a floodplain.
In the past, the Dutch response has been to build up the dikes and install other manmade devices to further control the river. But since unprecedented flooding in 1993 and again in 1995 there’s been a change in strategy.
Beginning in 2006, the Dutch implemented 35 “Room for the River” projects that will restore natural floodplains and marshes that serve as water storage areas. They are focused on restoring natural floodplains in the places where it is least harmful in order to protect more heavily populated and developed areas.
Dutch water managers also are teaching communities to retain water where it falls, using cisterns, green roofs and floodable parks. This reduces the flow into the river as it washes off of large paved parking lots and roads with nowhere else to go.
The idea is to prevent the recurring hundreds of millions of dollars in flood damage by learning to live with the main rivers running through the Netherlands rather than trying to control them. A side benefit has been the creation of new recreational areas and improved animal and fish habitat.
Again, Muskegon County doesn’t face near the threat that the Netherlands does. But working with our natural resources instead of against them is a valuable concept.
As Cedar Creek Township farmer John Thiel told Chronicle reporter Megan Hart, “I would rather have water flow naturally (through my property) than have it overflow and have nowhere to go.”
In the end it all comes down to that well-known adage, you can’t fool Mother Nature.
Let’s find out if restoring the Maple River will improve the lives of those living on the former riverbed and improve the health and the use of both the Maple and Muskegon rivers.
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
Viewpoint – Ecosystem health an economic issue too
By Contributed Opinion – Gulf Islands Driftwood
Over the May long weekend, I had the opportunity to go on a marine nature tour with Ian Gidney of Gulf Islands Safaris. As much as I really wanted to push thoughts of the Trust out of my mind and enjoy watching the orcas, sea lions, seals, eagles and other wildlife, the concept of the need to protect the riparian areas that support the marine environment kept interrupting me.
Riding in Ian’s zodiac and looking at what’s around you, you can’t help but feel that we live in a beautiful, special place. We say this so often that I think we lose sight of it. Special place, yeah, yeah. Sure.
Five years ago now, the province told local governments that they couldn’t issue permits to private landowners for development in areas along streams (“riparian” areas) unless an environmental professional assesses the proposal and provides development guidelines. The province wants to protect fish habitat. I think protecting fish habitat is a good idea.
But it isn’t just for the fish.
Protecting riparian areas also has the benefit of providing some protection for our drinking water supplies. By helping prevent sediment from washing into streams, it will also reduce unwanted and excessive nutrients from washing into the lakes. It will help prevent the dangerous algae blooms that now plague St. Mary Lake, as an example.
We at the Trust are frequently told we should promote tourism and enhance the economy. Anyone take a walk down to the dock lately and see all the boats owned by commercial fishermen? Anyone think about all the recreational boaters who come here, not only because “it’s a beautiful place” but because they also go fishing? Anyone think that tourists might be dissuaded from visiting our island if they read that they can’t drink the water?
Protecting complex and fragile riparian ecosystems enhances the economy as well as our environment — not to mention our own health.
One of the things that the province was saying to landowners when they brought in the Riparian Areas Regulation was: try to plan your development more than 30 metres from a stream. It’s a very sensible idea. Not that you can’t develop there if you have to, but the easiest, simplest way to avoid regulation and expense is to try not to disturb that 30-metre buffer. If you can’t, you call in a professional and get some advice.
Now I fully realize that my little letter isn’t going to have much of an impact on the people who are waving the flag of “property rights.” That’s okay. They’re certainly entitled to their opinions. In fact, you can bet that there will be letters next week with the predictable denunciations, denials and assertions that they want to protect the environment. Fine. I know they’re coming, and you can judge their merit for yourself.
But I also know that the Trust is required to implement the Riparian Areas Regulation, and we will, just as dozens and dozens of other local governments have already done. We’re trying to craft a bylaw that will respond to the concerns of homeowners and reduce delays, red tape and expense as much as possible.
As I said, this is a special place, and we like to think we’re special. But we’re not so special that we can ignore a regulation brought in by provincial legislation. On top of that, it’s the right thing to do, for many reasons. Look around.
The writer is a Salt Spring trustee on the local Trust committee.
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
Bilston watershed seeks a few good neighbours

Published: May 31, 2011 3:00 PM
Updated: June 01, 2011 2:40 PM
In Witty’s Lagoon park, Bilston creek offers a picture of what nature should be –- a clear meandering stream, home to native cutthroat trout and thick with streamside vegetation.
A small dam built before living memory almost looks like an organic part of the river. Crisscrossed with fallen trees, it creates ideal shade and shelter for trout. It’s also a reminder of the long history of human influence on the creek.
“The dam is part of the history of Bilston. It functions just fine,” says Ian McKenzie, with the Bilston Watershed Habitat Protection Association, overlooking the pool, which may have been used as a drinking hole for cattle in the past. “It’s one of those things that adds character to the stream.”
The Bilston group has worked for decades on projects to restore the health of the creek from damage done in the 1980s and 90s. Now with residential development ever expanding within the 7,900 acres of the Bilston watershed, the creek and its tributaries are weathering the influence of rapid urbanization, particularly in Langford.
To stem the tide of pollutants, the Habitat Acquisition Trust, a non-profit land trust, is rolling out another phase of its “Good Neighbours” project within Bilston and North Latoria watersheds.
HAT is spreading the message that homeowners and hobby farmers can take relatively simple actions to keep the creek and watershed healthy, and is offering education and advice to interested residents.
“We want to prevent pesticides and nutrients from getting into the creek,” says Todd Carnahan, HAT’s Good Neighbours project leader. “We can identify problems and things people can do to keep the trout population healthy in the stream. We want people to be part of a place they value.”
In urban areas, being a steward can mean not using chemical pesticides on gardens and lawns, removing invasive plant species and allowing native streamside vegetation to flourish. On hobby farms, it can mean keeping livestock out of the creek and siting manure piles away from drainage areas.
“If there is beautiful streamside vegetation, we like people to leave it alone. Plants hold the soil, prevent run off and slow the release of water into natural streams,” Carnahan says. “Often the best thing is about doing nothing.”
Bilston creek and its many tributaries flow out of the green hills of Mount Wells Park and drain in Witty’s Lagoon some seven kilometres east. Shorter North Latoria creek flows out of Triangle Mountain to Albert Head.
Both systems collect pollutants as they wind around homes, farms, failing septic systems and roadways – the threat to watersheds is damage by a thousand paper cuts.
Carnahan says fish kills in North Latoria creek in recent years highlighted the need for public stewardship programs in Colwood, Langford and Metchosin. McKenzie says residential development in Langford is continually washing dirt into the creek.
“(Witty’s) lagoon is gradually filling with silt and will eventually become a field,” McKenzie says. “Langford has development guidelines in place, but still, there’s a lot of silt going into the stream.”
Silt and mud hurt spawning trout, who are native to the creek system and never leave, and have never had their numbers boosted by hatchery fish. Most of the Bilston enhancement projects over the years have been focused on creating better fish habitat –- healthy trout are a good indicator of the overall health of the watershed.
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
“There are a reasonable number of trout,” McKenzie says, “but they are at risk due to urban development.”
HAT is seeking homeowners to become stewards of Bilston and North Latoria watersheds. Call 250 995-2428 or drop by the HAT office at 827 Broughton St. See www.hat.bc.ca for more information.
For more information on the Bilston Watershed Protection Society, see www.bilstoncreek.org.
Shoreline projects aim to improve fish habitat
Jun 1, 2011 |
The sea wall runs jagged in the fog Saturday morning along the St. Clair River south of Cuttle Road in Marysville. Work will start this summer to replace crumbling seawall and to create spawning reefs along the shoreline. / Melissa Wawzysko/Times Herald
Times Herald
Pete Butler, of Columbus Ohio, fishes from the boardwalk just north of Cuttle Road where the sidewalk is still intact Saturday.
Although scores of anglers cast lures and drift bait for walleye, smallmouth bass and other gamefish, the St. Clair River — identified as an area of concern in the mid-1980s for its lack of wildlife habitat and waterquality degradation — could use some help.
Three projects, tentatively scheduled to begin construction late this summer, are designed to make the fishing better.
About $3.68 million in grants from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative will be used to rehabilitate shoreline in Port Huron and Marysville and create fish spawning areas in the St. Clair Flats where the river empties into Lake St. Clair.
The biggest portion of the grant money is in Marysville, where $1.5 million from the GLRI and $300,000 in matching funds from the city will be used to repair a failing sea wall and create fish spawning habitat. The 2,250-foot-long stretch of riverbank from Cuttle and River roads to Clinton and South Riverside avenues could also receive a new sidewalk and railings.
Topographical surveys of the site were completed mid-May, Marysville City Manager Jason Hami said, and the city now is awaiting plans from environmental consulting firm JFNew in Ann Arbor. Hami said he was concerned budget restraints would not allow the sea wall to be replaced in such a way that it would give the public the access to the river the city wants. The city had planned to apply for an additional $2.5 million in GLRI funding, but the program ran short of funds, Hami said.
In Port Huron, a 320-foot
stretch of shoreline at the end of Lincoln Avenue just south of the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Hollyhock’s dock will receive an environmental overhaul.
The $1.3 million project will restore shoreline washed away by erosion and create a safe haven in that part of the river for fish to spawn, city engineer Bob Clegg said.
“We have no shortage of fishing locations,” he said, but expressed concern there aren’t enough locations for fish to reproduce.
Tuesday, divers were in the river to film current conditions underwater. The video will be sent to fish habitat experts for their advice.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency recently approved a conceptual plan and quality assurance plan for the site as drafted by Tetra Tech — the engineering firm with an office in Port Huron the city hired to design the project, Clegg said. Final plans and a project timeline have yet to be determined. Clegg said he hopes some work will start by the end of the summer.
In the Middle Channel of the St. Clair River, the Michigan Sea Grant — a partnership between the University of Michigan and Michigan State University — is using a GLRI grant of about $880,000 and matching funds to create a $1.043 million spawning reef.
Jen Read, a principal investigator for the Ann Arbor-based Michigan Sea Grant project, said her team will complete assessment testing on the ages of fish species currently present in the area by the end of July.
The St. Clair Flats area is host to many recreational boaters. It comprises the largest freshwater delta in the United States.
“It’s one of the most fished areas in the Great Lakes,” Read said.
Although the flats typically are not a fish spawning area, Read said, researchers discovered the conditions there mimicked those necessary for fish to deposit their eggs.
“In the busier areas of the river, all the habitat has been dredged out,” Read said.
The reefs should be in place by the end of August or early September, Read said, so that lake whitefish can spawn in the area in the fall. Other fish species in the area include northern madtom and mooneye — which are rare to the Great Lakes region — as well as lake sturgeon and walleye.
Reef construction will be across the Middle Channel, which separates Harsens and Dickinson islands, at the top of the delta, Read said. Three reefs across the channel each will contain three different types of material: Mid-sized rocks, small rocks and a combination of the two. The variation allows researchers to study which placement and kind of reef material is most attractive to fish, Read said.
Michigan Sea Grant will be partnering with the U.S. Geological Survey, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Michigan Department of Natural Resources and an Ann Arbor landscape design firm.
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Meet the gluttons that could save Claytor Lake from ‘hydrilla gorilla’
At Claytor Lake, thousands of fish have been
brought in to try to tame an invasive monster weed.
A grass carp shares a tank with sprigs of hydrilla on the boat launch dock at Claytor Lake. Six thousand of the fish were released into the lake Thursday.
The sterile grass carp, delivered from Arkansas, are flushed into Claytor Lake on Thursday. Officials hope the fish will help control the hydrilla, which is estimated to cover about 10 percent of the lake.
Previous coverage
CLAYTOR LAKE — Six thousand sterile grass carp were released in three areas of Claytor Lake early Thursday morning, drawing a crowd of onlookers, residents and wildlife specialists.
The fish eat hydrilla, a plant that covers an estimated 400 acres of the more than 4,000-acre lake. The monster vegetation has caused concern among homeowners, business owners and officials in Pulaski County.
John Copeland, fisheries biologist with the Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries, said officials hope this will help them start to get the hydrilla problem under control.
“At Claytor, it’s going to become a boating and navigation issue,” he said.
The lake water was just 56 degrees Thursday morning, an important consideration for transferring the fish from the hatchery. When the lake gets warmer, the fish can get stressed.
The plant-devouring carp average about 13 inches long. Thirty-four of the largest ones were tagged with radio transmitters for research purposes. The fish won’t erase the hydrilla completely but could help bring it down to a “dull roar,” said Lloyd Hipkins, an extension weed specialist with Cooperative Extension at Virginia Tech.
The county budgeted $12,540 for the fish to be brought from Arkansas and distributed, with oversight by DGIF.
“A biological control like a grass carp lasts a long time and is cheaper than spraying,” Copeland said.
Although many people will be happy to see the plant go, there are others who are worried about losing it — mainly anglers who say that cutting back the hydrilla will hurt fishing habitats and that chemical sprays will kill fish.
Along with the carp, plans call for chemicals, specifically Komeen, to be sprayed on hydrilla in the lake this summer, paid for by a $50,000 grant from Appalachian Power Co.
A former professional fisherman and a businessman on the lake, Rock House Marina owner Mike Burchett can see both sides of the hydrilla debate.
Burchett is a member of the committee of Pulaski County officials, the citizens group Friends of Claytor Lake, business owners and wildlife experts that has been planning the most substantial collaborative effort to date to fight what they call the “hydrilla gorilla.”
For fishermen, it’s a bonus because, if it’s not too thick, hydrilla provides cover for fish, Burchett said. But left unattended, the plant can decrease oxygen in the lake and hurt native habitats.
The plant is often introduced into lakes by boaters who have picked it up in another lake, which is why education is important, Burchett said. Its tubers and seeds can also be transported by animals.
Hydrilla makes a good fish habitat for a few years but will cause more harm than good if left untreated, said Mike McLeod of the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
Chemicals have been sprayed by private contractors hired by residents to treat hydrilla on Claytor Lake for three or four years, and “there are no records of direct cause and fish kills,” McLeod said.
Plans call for the use of Komeen, a contact herbicide. It contains copper, but the copper in the herbicide is biologically inactive, McLeod said.
It also kills the plant only where it makes contact, unlike a systemic herbicide, which goes throughout the plant.
“There’s really no reason to believe it’s going to hurt any fish,” Hipkins said.
For now, researchers from DGIF and the Virginia Tech department of fish and wildlife conservation will monitor the grass carp movement and eating habits in the lake.
The fish are made sterile in the hatchery — DGIF requires all non-native fish brought into Virginia waterways to be sterile to avoid invasive species being introduced, Copeland said.
In August and September, the plant’s peak growth times, specialists will study the plant growth to decide how many fish will be needed next year.
“They can’t put enough fish in there to take care of the problem the way it is, so what they’re trying to do is integrated management and kill a good portion of it,” Hipkins said. “If they can use the fish to maintain a very low level, then ultimately the business about treating with chemicals could go down year after year.”By Amy Matzke-Fawcett
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
Ketchikan teacher reels students in art of fishing
By Danelle Landis, Ketchikan Daily News
Cheers flew as grinning kids, stuffed into yellow, red and blue lifejackets jostled to show off their catches of the day.
Fawn Mountain’s counselor, Norm Noggle, held a two-week after-school fishing workshop in April. He then took his 14 fourth- and fifth-graders for a five-hour fishing trip Thursday.
This was the second year that Noggle has conducted the workshop and taken the kids fishing on the Cotant, he said.
“Last year, we were boarded by the Coast Guard,” he said. The students were worried, and had no idea what to expect.
The crewmen “handed out little chits for free ice cream, because they noticed all the kids had their lifejackets on,” Noggle said.
At Fawn Mountain, for one hour per day in the workshop, Noggle taught the students how to tie knots, cast, put line on reels, and identify fish species. He also taught them about Fish and Game regulations, fish habitat and fish-catching strategy.
Noggle brought in experts from the U.S. Coast Guard to teach the students about boat safety, and Fish and Game professionals who taught them about fish species, gave a pop quiz, then coached them through making a “mepps spinner” salmon lure.
He also took his group on a field trip to the Whitman Lake Hatchery, and students asked the staff questions they had created and rehearsed ahead of time.
He said he’d like to add a fly fishing course next year that would teach students about fishing etiquette, how to “read” the water, tie flies and how to cast.
Among schools offering educational fishing excursions is Point Higgins Elementary, where teacher Linnaea Troina will take her fifth graders out on Wednesday. Knudsen Cove Marina sponsors their fishing trip, she said, supplying boats, fuel, and guides.
Ketchikan Charter School teacher Greg Gass also headed up a fishing class this year. Instead of an after-school workshop, his was offered as a physical education elective.
He chuckled when he explained why, out of all the sixth-through-eighth graders who could have participated, only one eighth-grader was in the group of 12 on the fishing trip. Students in eighth grade were allowed to sign up for their choice of elective classes first, and most of them chose more traditional classes, like sports.
Gass laughed and said that the ones who opted out of the fishing class were seriously rethinking their choices when his group was gearing up for the fishing trip.
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
State pulls Park grant
May 28, 2011 in City
Concerns over spawning habitat delayed project, allowing $530,000 award to expire

Water rushes past old railroad bridge abutments near the Sandifur Memorial Bridge just west of downtown Spokane on Friday.
(Full-size photo)
The future of a proposed white-water park in the Spokane River just downstream from downtown is in danger after state officials decided to pull a grant that was supposed to pay for nearly half the project.
Spokane park leaders have appealed the decision and hope to persuade the state Recreation and Conservation Funding Board to reverse the decision at a hearing on June 23.
“It’s all kind of in jeopardy,” said Tim Sanger, president of the board of Friends of the Falls, the nonprofit group that has led the effort to create the white-water park.
The project won the $530,000 grant in 2007. It was supposed to be used within four years, but plans for the project stalled in 2009 when then-City Planning Director Leroy Eadie ruled that concerns about the park’s effects on native redband trout were serious enough to require a study of the project’s environmental impact before a shoreline permit could be issued.
Eadie, who later was named park director, said those working on the park didn’t agree to pursue an environmental study until late last year. At the time, the city won a six-month extension for using the grant – until June 30. He said the city was about to award an $80,000 contract to begin work on the study when state officials warned this spring that the grant would get no further extensions because of the long delay.
If the state board agrees to a new extension, Eadie said he’ll move forward on the environmental study, which could provide recommendations to avoid harming spawning areas of native trout.
A study on redband trout in the Spokane River, released recently by Avista, indicated that there is a sizable spawning area near the proposed white-water park, said Rick Eichsteadt, the attorney for Spokane Riverkeeper, a nonprofit group that supports clean-up efforts and conservation.
Eichsteadt said the group believes the environmental study is needed but probably wouldn’t have a problem with a white-water park if recommendations to protect habitat are followed.
Sanger said Friends of the Falls is hopeful that the park could be constructed in ways that could improve the fish habitat.
“We’re really not interested in harming existing fish habitat,” Sanger said.
If the funding board’s decision is reversed, Eadie said the project would need a shoreline permit from the state Department of Ecology, hydraulic permit from the Department of Fish and Wildlife, and an aquatics land lease from the Department of Natural Resources. The earliest construction could start is next summer.
Susan Zemek, spokeswoman for the Recreation and Conservation Office, said if the decision stands, the grant will be allocated to another project.
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
Fishers hooked on habitat
Fishers hooked on habitat |
More than 60 recreational fishers met with landholders, scientists and natural resource managers to talk about all things related to fish habitat at the successful Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum 2011, held in Tamworth last week. ‘The Forum provided an unparalleled opportunity for fishers from across NSW to learn more about the latest research into fish habitat and to share their stories about efforts to rehabilitate habitat and make more fish,’ said Craig Copeland, Conservation Action Unit Manager with NSW Department of Primary Industries, in chargeof the Forum. See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper. ‘Recreational fishers assessed the Forum as a major success and plans are now underway by many fishers to fix some fish habitat in their local area over the coming year.’ President of the NSW Recreational Fishing Alliance, Malcolm Poole said recreational fishers at all levels were inspired by speakers at the Forum who explained what fishers could and should be doing to create more fish naturally for the future. Ecofishers President, Ken Thurlow said the Forum was ‘a superb opportunity to network with recreational fishers from around NSW and discuss the key role of fish habitat in supporting our fisheries.’ President of the NSW Council of Freshwater Anglers, Rodney Tonkin said a highlight was Dr Martin O’Grady’s presentations on issues affecting fish habitat in Ireland and how these were being addressed. As well as being a mad keen fisher himself, Dr O’Grady challenged fishers to seriously look at habitat repair as a cost-effective way of improving fish numbers. Mr Copeland said the Forum included several site visits, as well as the presentations from senior scientists and managers on the key importance of habitat in supporting fish populations. ‘One of these visits was to the defunct Jewry Street weir in Tamworth itself,’ he said. ‘Participants also enjoyed a demonstration of long-stem tree planting, hearing about the fish habitat work being done by local landholders and by the children at Calrossy School.’ Malcolm Poole said the Recreational Fishing Alliance thoroughly recommends all anglers get involved and take time out to attend next year’s Forum. ‘In the mean time, why not check out the Fish Habitat Network website for more info right now,’ he said. This was the third Annual Fishers for Fish Habitat Forum and was organised using funds from the NSW Recreational Fishing Trust. |