The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in partnership with the Great Lakes Basin Fish Habitat Partnership announced Thursday they have granted the Bad River Natural Resources Department $55,115 for the Graveyard Creek Habitat Restoration project. The Bad River Natural Resources Department will improve cold water habitat for resident and coaster brook trout by removing beaver dams that trap sediment and hinder upstream movement, install large woody debris and install spawning gravel substrate. These efforts will provide additional high quality, cold water habitat for resident brook trout.See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.
The funding is provided for priority projects identified by members of the Great Lakes Basin Fish Habitat Partnership, which was established under the National Fish Habitat Action Plan (NFHAP) — a national investment strategy to maximize the impact of fish habitat conservation dollars. At least 70 percent of the funding provided will go toward on-the-ground fish habitat protection and restoration projects across the Great Lakes basin. A portion of this funding is set aside for Service field stations that work directly with partners to provide technical assistance with project implementation and grant administration.
Published: Tuesday, August 2, 2011 10:49 AM CDT