
Juvenile Fish Habitat

A primary goal of the Program is to increase fish habitat quality and quantity to support increased salmonid populations. Changes in rearing habitat availability for salmonids were assessed over the 40 miles of the Trinity River and pre- and post-construction at channel rehabilitation sites.

Site Evaluation

Habitat assessments are conducted at bank rehabilitation sites and at randomized river segments (GRTS design) by mapping the boundaries of the habitat using the numeric criteria for water depth, velocity and presence of cover or substrate. Most sites measured thus far have increased juvenile fish habitat post-construction (report pending).

As reported in the TRRP 2009 Annual Report, the Sven Olbertson site was intended to provide 114,000 square feet of complex side channel habitat: the mapped habitat indicated 67,000 square feet of habitat for fry and 82,000 square feet for pre-smolts. Hoadley Gulch site was intended to provide 26,400 square feet of complex salmonid side channel rearing habitat during winter low flow releases. Post-construction, 9,200 square feet of habitat for fry and 12,800 square feet habitat for pre-smolts was measured. Lewiston Cableway site monitoring showed that fry habitat increased by 57 % and pre-smolt habitat increased by 36 % after construction.

In order to validate fish use of the mapped rearing habitat, snorkeling has been used to count fish inside and outside of the mapped habitat areas. Chinook juvenile counts inside designated rearing habitats averaged at least 30 fish per site, whereas counts outside of rearing habitat designations averaged less than five fish per site.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Reach Evaluation

Flow and channel rehabilitation actions are anticipated to create changes in habitat availability through the entire 40-mile river reach. Rearing habitat availability was mapped at 32 randomly selected sites. Total area of rearing habitat within the restoration reach is 343,000 square meters (about 3.66 million square feet) for fry, and 436,400 square meters (about 4.7 million square feet) for pre-smolt (figure). The data indicate the greatest amount of rearing habitat occurs near Lewiston Dam and declines longitudinally downstream.

Juvenile HabitatPre-smolt rearing habitat declines with distance down river. (reported in the TRRP 2009 Annual Report)

Suggested further reading:

Goodman, D H; Martin, A; Alvarez, J; Davis, A; and Polos, J (2010) Assessing Trinity River salmonid habitat at channel rehabilitation sites, 2007-2008.

Alvarez, J; Goodman, D; and Martin, A (2010) Assessment of changes in anadromous salmonid habitat at selected channel rehabilitation sites on the Trinity River, CA. Oral presentation provided at the 2010 Trinity River Science Symposium.

Saraeva, E and Hardy T B (2009) Upper Trinity River Basin Habitat Assessment. Report to the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Trinity River Restoration Program.

Goodman, D H; Martin, A C; Petros, P P; and Klochak J (2009) Judgement based habitat mapping on the Trinity River, 2006.

Chamberlain, C D; Martin, A C; Petros, P P (2007) Trinity River biological monitoring of channel rehabilitation sites: a pre-construction baseline habitat evaluation.

Hampton, M (1988) Development of habitat preference criteria for anadromous salmonids of the Trinity River.

Oil spill threatens sensitive fish habitat

Outdoor Notes : Oil spill threatens sensitive fish habitat

Sunday, July 10, 2011 (Tom Meade). The ExxonMobil oil spill on the Yellowstone River in Montana won’t affect popular trout-fishing stretches in Yellowstone National Park and other areas upstream of Billings, but the spill may harm a sensitive transitional area of the river, according to Trout Unlimited. The conservation organization issued a statement on the accident’s impact on Thursday.

“This accident demonstrates the very real need for diligence when it comes to how we develop and transport oil and gas in the West,” said Kendall Van Dyk, Montana energy field coordinator for TU, and a Montana state senator. “We believe that energy companies should drill for and transport domestic fossil fuels in the West, but we can’t let our guard down. Incidents like this one, where oil was spilled into one of the nation’s most treasured rivers, are simply not acceptable.”

The accident dumped the equivalent of 1,000 barrels of oil into the river, an annual destination for many New England fly fishermen.

The incident, says TU’s official statement, “highlights a need to revamp pipeline crossings in Montana to ensure such a disaster never happens again. While the Yellowstone’s fabled trout water runs farther upstream of the spill site, the affected area is an important transitional habitat between a coldwater trout fishery and a vibrant warm-water fishery. Native fish such as goldeye, sauger and channel catfish call this reach of Yellowstone River home, as do non-native but highly prized fish, including smallmouth bass and walleye. So far, there’s no information available on the impact of the oil spill on these fish or the economically significant recreational fishery in the area.”

Farther downstream in the Yellowstone lives one of the country’s rarest native fish, the pallid sturgeon. Because of high water, there’s no telling how the spill will affect this endangered prehistoric fish.

“We can only wait and see,” said Bruce Farling, executive director of Montana Trout Unlimited. “We know that we’re seeing oil as far as 40 miles downstream in flooded wheat fields near Pompey’s Pillar, an important landmark of the Lewis and Clark Expedition. That’s approaching the stretch of the river home to sturgeon.”

More information is available in TU’s official statement on the matter at or For updates, follow TU on Twitter, @TroutUnlimited or @MontanaTu, and on Facebook at or

Laptew photos in Wakefield See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Throughout the summer Orbie’s Café in Wakefield is exhibiting works by underwater photographer and videographer Mike Laptew, “The Diving Fisherman.” His book, “A Fish-Eye View of Narragansett Bay and Beyond” includes framed photographs highlighting the flora and fauna of Narragansett Bay, New England and Costa Rica.

There are images of striped bass, fluke, tautog, bluefish, little tunny, dolphin, marlin and turtles, as well as dramatic seascapes and landscapes.

Wonder Lake dredging still at least a year away

This is my home lake where the Fishiding idea came to reality. Our sportsman’s club is a large part of this long awaited cleanup of our “Gem”


WONDER LAKE – It might be another year before any sediment comes out of Wonder Lake, as the $5.9 million lake dredging project remains in the permitting and design stage.

Permits from the Army Corps of Engineers, the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency, and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources still need to be approved.

Lake manager Randy Stowe said the best-case scenario for dredging to begin is next summer, depending on the permitting process.

However, the Master Property Owners Association is looking to make a change to the project – the location of a sediment drying facility.

The MPOA is proposing an area to the west of the lake to be an area for sediment to dry. The property is 120 acres on the east side of Greenwood Road, south of Galt Airport, which is planned to eventually become Phase 2 of the Meadows of West Bay subdivision.

The area has yet to be developed because of the down economy.

The Village Board would need to approve an easement for a pipe to move water and sediment to the Meadows of West Bay area.

The MPOA is considering leaving a permanent facility to help with any future dredging.

Previously, the MPOA wanted to use 80 acres southeast of the lake, on the east side of East Wonder Lake Road, north of Route 120, as the sediment drying area. However, T.P. Mathews, who is owner of the land between the lake and the 80-acre parcel, has filed for bankruptcy. The MPOA planned to move sediment through Mathews’ land.

“We’re probably a year behind because of the issues that arose with the southeast side,” Stowe said. “Landowner issues … stalled the permitting process because we couldn’t complete the designs.”

“We have to keep things moving forward,” Stowe added.

If the new sediment site is approved, Stowe estimates that the dredging project could last three to four years rather than the original 10-year estimate.

Even though dredging isn’t expected to take place this year, residents will see some work on the lake in the fall.

Restoration work will take place on three islands. Those projects would be paid for with the help of state grants.

“These islands are literally washing away,” Stowe said.

Also, seven residents received shoreline restoration grants from the state.

Last summer, the MPOA surveyed the lake and determined how much sediment would need to be removed from the lake to help it become navigable again.

Originally the MPOA estimated that it would need to remove 1 million cubic yards of sediment, but now that estimate is 500,000 to 600,000 cubic yards, Stowe said.

He said the cost of the project has not decreased because construction costs continue to rise.

“Every delay we have, the cost goes up. But this will give us much more assurance we could get everything done,” Stowe said. “Once we get the critical area, there could be additional areas we could do additional enhancements to.”

The village took out $5.9 million in bonds last year to pay for the project. Part of the bond money is federal stimulus money.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Take me fishing!!


Fish depend on clean water. There are examples throughout the country of fisheries that have been lost because of changes in water quality, and several more that have been restored as a result of focused effort, strong laws, and community concern. From stream, beach, and lake clean-up campaigns, to the long list of angler-supported organizations engaged in waterway and habitat preservation, America’s anglers have been indispensable in recovering and preserving watersheds, bays, oceans, and other water resources.

Tremendous demands have been put on our nation’s water resources. In some areas of the country, there is not enough water to go around as communities balance the stark reality of water use versus conservation. Population, pollution, development, and natural disasters all play a role in the quality of America’s water resources. As such, the impact and inter-relationship between communities and water quality is undeniable.

Nationwide, efforts are underway to improve fish habitat using a variety of approaches. From managing storm water run-off and riparian restoration to stopping the spread of aquatic invasive species and pollution, strong state and federal laws and community involvement have proved effective in improving water quality.

A work-in-process that has no end, without the interest and involvement of anglers and the public, the challenges associated with water would be much greater. Still, these challenges persist and demand attention.

There are thousands of worthy local and national organizations dedicated to the preservation of America’s water resources. Check with your State Fish and Wildlife Agency for suitable local options. Here are a few national organizations you may want to consider supporting.

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Announces Multi-state, Multi-species Draft Environmental Impact Statement


The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announces the availability of a draft Environmental Impact Statement evaluating a proposed multi-species, multi-state draft Habitat Conservation Plan and application for an incidental take permit under the Endangered Species Act. The HCP was developed by NiSource Inc., primarily a natural gas transmission, distribution and storage company, as it seeks an incidental take permit for operating and maintaining its network of pipelines in 14 northeastern, Midwest and southeastern states.

The Endangered Species Act requires an approved Habitat Conservation Plan before an incidental take permit is granted. HCPs are agreements between a landowner and the Service, allowing landowners to undertake otherwise lawful activities on their property that may result in the incidental death, injury or harassment of a listed species; the landowner agrees to conservation measures designed to minimize and mitigate the impact of those actions.

In its draft EIS, the Service evaluated the possible environmental impacts of implementing NiSource’s Habitat Conservation Plan and the potential effects of granting an incidental take permit under the Endangered Species Act. Among the alternatives evaluated by the Service are issuing a permit for 50 years, as requested by NiSource; a “no-action” alternative, under which NiSource would continue to work with the Service on a case-by-case basis for all its activities; and issuing a permit for 10 years.

NiSource’s draft HCP covers the company’s activities that may result in take of endangered or threatened species along its pipeline network. The plan addresses conservation needs for 10 federally endangered, threatened or proposed species for which take might occur, along with measures to avoid take of an additional 33 federally endangered, threatened or candidate species. NiSource’s draft HCP includes measures to avoid or reduce impacts on those species resulting from business activities, as well as mitigation practices such as protecting existing habitat, creating new habitat for protected species, and identifying research to better understand endangered species.

The Service is accepting comments on the draft EIS through October 11, 2011. Send written comments via U.S. mail to the Regional Director, Midwest Region, Attn: Lisa Mandell, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Ecological Services, 5600 American Blvd. West, Suite 990, Bloomington, MN 55437-1458, or by electronic mail to 

Public meetings will be held in Columbus, Ohio, Lexington, Kentucky, and Charleston, West Virginia during the summer 2011:

August 16, 2011, 7:00 p.m., University Plaza Hotel and Conference Center, 3110 Olentangy River Road, Columbus, OH 43202.

August 17, 2011, 7:00 p.m., Ramada Conference Center, 2143 N. Broadway, Lexington, KY 40505

August 18, 2011
, 7:00 pm, Charleston Ramada Plaza, 400 2nd Ave., S. Charleston, WV 25303.

More information about the EIS and HCP, along with locations, dates, and times of specific public meetings can be found at:

The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, plants, and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. We are both a leader and trusted partner in fish and wildlife conservation, known for our scientific excellence, stewardship of lands and natural resources, dedicated professionals, and commitment to public service.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

For more information on our work and the people who make it happen, visit Connect with our Facebook page at follow our tweets at  watch our YouTube Channel at and download photos from our Flickr page at

AFFTA Joins TU in Opposing Bill Removing Wilderness Protections

The American Fly Fishing Trade Association (AFFTA) today joined Trout Unlimited and a host of other sporting and conservation organizations in opposing the so-called Wilderness and Roadless Area Release Act, which would remove all protections from the last, best fishing and hunting destinations in the United States.

“This bill takes direct aim at America’s sporting heritage,” said Jim Klug, co-owner of Yellow Dog Flyfishing Adventures and the chairman of the AFFTA board of directors. “Under the guise of improving access to the backcountry for all Americans—something that we all support—Congress is instead allowing the best remaining wild and native fish habitat to be developed by industry and penetrated by new roads and motorized trails. We already have enough roads and trails, and the government can’t afford to maintain even a small percentage of them today. We don’t need more roads. We need to protect what’s left of our backcountry, protect habitat, and protect our existing access.”

The bill, dubbed the Attack on our Sporting Heritage Act (ASH) by Trout Unlimited, would impact about 43 million acres of roadless backcountry from coast to coast, all on public lands within the U.S Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management systems. Inventoried roadless lands provide the best remaining fish and game habitat in the United States, and they’re vital for the persistence of wild and native trout. In the Rocky Mountain West, roadless lands shelter the bulk of the country’s remaining cutthroat trout and bull trout populations. Additionally, the best remaining spawning and rearing habitat for ocean-going steelhead and salmon is in streams flowing through or from the roadless backcountry.

“We’re grateful that AFFTA understands the intrinsic connection between habitat and opportunity,” said Steve Moyer, TU’s vice president for government affairs. “The fly fishing industry understands the opportunity public lands provide to all anglers, and keeping the backcountry just like it is today ensures the recreational fishing industry a promising future. We hope Congress will get the message and do away with this terrible idea that would tarnish the public lands that belong to every single American by birthright.”

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Roadless areas throughout the United States are accessible to all Americans—many are bounded by paved highways, and others, despite the misleading status, are accessible by dirt roads and trails. Hunting and fishing are allowed on roadless lands—in fact, the country’s best hunting harvest rates for trophy deer and elk occur in hunting units that are predominantly roadless.

“Congress needs to understand that the roadless backcountry that exists today is very limited,” Moyer said. “Keeping it like it is gives sportsmen and women the opportunity to share with their children the places that look today much like they did generations ago.

“Rather than try to pass a ‘one-size-fits-all’ bill to determine the future of our roadless backcountry, Congress should instead do what we do all the time, and work with people on the ground who have a vested interest in the future of public lands near the places they call home. Doing otherwise puts our sporting culture at risk, because once the backcountry is gone, it’s gone.”

Prospectors undermined in the media

OPINION: Suction dredging does not harm fish or fish habitat

JUL17Written by: Article Admin
7/17/2011 1:33 AM  

 Miners and prospectors have been handed a bum rap from environmental extremists for the past 40 years. Radical environmentalists tend to conjure up images of hydraulicing — an outdated and outlawed mining technique of eroding away entire mountainsides with high-powered water cannons — and strip mining, as examples of what miners have done to the environment.

Why? Because it serves their purpose.

But, what often well-meaning but misguided followers of these groups fail to realize is that suction dredging, which has surfaced as a center of controversy in the media lately, actually helps clean toxins, such as mercury and lead fishing weights left by anglers, from our streams and riverbeds. And, prospectors often pick up the trash dumped in water, on the trails and strewn over the riverbanks.

While some radical environmentalists, such as the Center for Biological Diversity, argue smallscale suction dredging harms fish and fish habitat, there has yet to be a single credible study to substantiate such alarmist findings. To the contrary, some studies even report that suction dredging creates fish habitat.

Basically, the belief that suction dredging is bad for the environment is based more on a preconceived emotional response to mining in general — a response based more on faulty assumptions than on facts and on the image of antiquated commercial mining methods.

Suction dredging does not harm fish habitat!

Furthermore, suction dredging is prohibited during spawning season as a precaution so that fish populations are not harmed. When it comes to turbidity issues, dredgers stir up the water far less than rainstorms, surface runoff from snowmelt and floods. In fact, those natural occurrences do much more to erode riverbanks and destroy fish habitat — by far — than small-scale prospectors.

To compare mining techniques of the past — some going as far back as 150 years ago — to modern small-scale prospecting and mining is nothing less than pure propaganda that should not be taken seriously and certainly not at face value — especially by the mass media.

So, now that two generations of environmental fanatics have been indoctrinating the planet with the help of the media and brainwashed soccer moms and dads feeding their children with the notion that all mining is bad, we are faced with the challenge of putting common sense back on the table. It will be an uphill battle, but it is a fight that needs to be fought
— and won —  for freedom and for future generations.

For decades, the small-scale mining community has organized and funded reclamation and reforestation projects across the country and we take pride in knowing that we fill in our holes and more often clean up the mess left by others outdoors. What little is taken from the land, we put back in reclamation and reforestation projects. We do not undercut the roots of trees. We pick up trash and we pack out what we pack in. See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Gold Prospectors Association of America encourages our members to be responsible stewards of the land.

— BRAD JONES GPAA Editor / Content Director

Local anglers can recycle fishing line for fish habitat

Posted: Saturday, July 16, 2011 2:30 pm | Updated: 4:25 pm, Wed Jul 13, 2011.

By Bill Allmann Times Sports Correspondent | 0 comments

NEW BRIGHTON — The fishing at New Brighton’s Fishing Park has always been exceptional.

The dam there adds oxygen to the water, which makes the environment conducive to fish and plentiful fish make it conducive to area anglers.

It’s rare that the reclaimed site of the original New Brighton water plant doesn’t have at least a handful of fishermen and on weekends even more.

The joy of fishing isn’t just the catching; it’s getting the line wet and enjoying the outdoors. One of the biggest headaches for any angler, though, is what to do with old fishing line.

Monofilament plastic line is fine enough that fish can’t see it, but it’s difficult to handle with wet hands and line has a tendency to tangle beyond the ability of most humans to untangle it.

Optimistic estimates are that monofilament fishing line takes 500 years to degrade in the environment and is dangerous to fish, birds, swimmers and boat propellers. Plus, it isn’t accepted in most household recycling bins.

Thanks to the Beaver County Conservation District, fishing line can be recycled locally. A receptacle at the New Brighton Fishing Park was installed Wednesday.

“We have a grant to do six as a start,” said Marty Warchol, district Watershed Specialist. “We’ll have two at Bradys Run (Park), one at the launch and one at the handicap area, one at Brush Creek, the one here at New Brighton and the last two sites are still waiting for final permission.

“The initial six bins are on a grant from the Boat USA Foundation and we’re looking at the possibility of getting more.”

Fishing line placed in the bins will be collected and forwarded to Berkley, a major fishing line manufacturer. Berkley Conservation will turn the used line into structures that can be used to enhance fish habitat.

There are no stated goals for the program. But if anglers pull old, tangled reels they thought were beyond value, the program could get quite a jump start.

This RAC project is stopping cars

July 15th, 2011

Lowman, ID – A portion of the popular Landmark – Stanley Road (Forest Road 579) will be temporarily closed from July 25 through approximately August 9 at Tennessee Creek in the Bear Valley area to remove and replace two culverts.  This project received a $43,000 grant from the Southwest Idaho RAC and will improve fish habitat and fish passage, and should also help avoid a likely blowout of the road in the future.


The Tennessee Creek culvert is located approximately 30 miles north of Lowman, ID within the Bear Valley Watershed.  Tennessee Creek combines with Elk Creek, then flows approximately 0.9 miles before its confluence with Bear Valley Creek. In its current condition, the Tennessee Creek culvert requires annual maintenance to repair holes in the road, resulting from the crushing/failure of the culvert that is currently installed. Eventually, the culvert is expected to fail, likely during high flows in the spring runoff period, and complete failure of the road prism is likely to result. Replacing the culvert would eliminate the risk of the road prism failure at the site and the subsequent delivery of associated road bed materials into Tennessee, Elk, and Bear Valley Creeks.

The road will be closed approximately 0.1 mile west of the Bear Valley Campground to approximately 0.5 mile east of the Elk Creek Guard Station. The Bear Valley Campground and the Elk Creek Guard Station will be accessible during project implementation. The Deadwood Reservoir area can be accessed via the Bear Valley Road (Forest Road 582) and the Bearskin Road (Forest Road 563) or the Scott Mountain Road (Forest Road 555).

 The road will be closed to all motorized access to provide for public safety and protection during construction. The two fish blocking culverts are being replaced with a concrete box culvert, which will restore fish passage further up the creek.  Restoration of unimpeded fish passage will allow Chinook salmon, bull trout, steelhead, and other fish and aquatic organisms to access habitat in the upper reaches of Tennessee Creek.

Tennessee Creek just upstream of the road crossing

The new, open bottom concrete box culvert will allow fish passage to all age classes of fish species and also repair the hydrologic function of the stream at the crossing. This structure accommodates bankfull channel width and the design incorporates stream simulation with respect to channel alignment, gradient, and substrates. The replacement structure would also accommodate 100 year flood events and related debris flows.

The lower reaches of Tennessee Creek have the potential to serve as rearing habitat for ESA listed Spring/Summer Chinook salmon and steelhead. Bull trout, which are also a listed species, are present in the watershed. Tennessee Creek, along with all other streams in the Bear Valley Watershed are designated Critical Habitat for both Spring/Summer Chinook salmon and steelhead.

Forest Road 579 is under the jurisdiction of Valley County. The culvert replacement and the temporary road closure is a cooperative effort between the US Forest Service, Lowman Ranger District, the Valley County Roads Department and the Southwest Idaho RAC.

For more information contact the Lowman Ranger Station at 259-3361 or Jerry Robinson with the Valley County Roads department at 382-7195.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

Local fishermen disagree over water quality


The Iowa City summer is filled with kids going to various camps, groups of incoming university students, and groups of people both young and old relaxing outside in the sticky heat.

One group says it’s even more relaxed than the rest, though. Anglers can be found casting their lines at the Coralville Reservoir, along the Iowa River, and in all sorts of creeks, streams, and ponds.

Lloyd Bender, a salesman in the fishing department at Fin & Feather, 125 Highway 1 W., said he sees a diverse range of people who fish.

“I see people fishing, from little kids on up,” he said. “It’s fun for everybody.”

Bender is primarily a lake fisherman, and he recently returned a fishing trip in Minnesota. While in Iowa City, he fishes at Lake Macbride and a few other locations, but he tends to avoid the Iowa River because of concerns about the water’s cleanliness.

He said his reason is that harmful elements in a fish’s habitat can be stored in the animal’s fat. He said it might be OK to eat walleyes caught in the Iowa River because the species isn’t particularly fatty, but an Iowa River catfish may not be the healthiest thing to consume on a regular basis.

Bender may have a valid point. Iowa has ranked as low as 47th out of the 50 states in per capita spending on soil conservation and water quality, Iowa’s Water & Land Conservancy Executive Director Mark Langgin told The Daily Iowan in 2010.

Not everyone is as concerned about the Iowa River’s water quality, though.

One popular fishing spot can be found where Highway 6 crosses the Iowa River, the site of a small inlet that water from the river can enter. Also located there is an outlet pipe from the Iowa City Wastewater Division, and some people sit on the concrete above the pipe while fishing.

Paul Stewart, who has fished that area for 52 years, said he isn’t concerned about the water quality. Stewart — who, despite that outlook, usually doesn’t keep the fish he catches — said that as long as there’s moving water, there shouldn’t be a problem because of potentially harmful substances from the wastewater pipe. See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

“I haven’t got four arms and three eyes yet, so I think it’s OK,” he said.

Steve Julius, the senior operator at the Iowa City Wastewater Division, said he knows anglers are common up and down the Iowa River. He said anything coming from the outlet pipe is perfectly safe and that none of the fluid exiting the pipe — a substance called effluent in the wastewater business — poses a threat to the fish or fishermen near the Highway 6 spot.

“The treated effluent is meeting all the permit requirements for that flow,” Julius said. “When compared [with the river], it’s probably cleaner than the actual river itself.”

Concerns about the quality of the water aside, many of the fishing fans said they agree it’s a great activity that’s easy to learn and hard to master. Several people said the skills they use while fishing transfer to other aspects of their lives.

“Patience, attitude — there’s a lot that goes into fishing, for food or for sport,” Stewart said. “It’s a great stress reliever.”

Bender agreed, noting that a good amount of the enjoyment for him comes from its difficulty.

“There’s a little thing with a pea-sized brain, and it fools you half the time,” he said. “It’s a challenge.”

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