We have been working for just a few months together, but it takes no time at all to be impressed with this Top notch management firm.
Texas Pro Lake Management located in Comanche Texas specializes in aeration and fountain installations, lake stocking, and lake management throughout Texas. Texas Pro Lake Management is owned by fisheries biologist Steven Bardin. In 2005 Steve started working on a Bachelors degree in Freshwater Biology from Tarleton State University in Stephenville, Texas.
“I truly owe much of what I know about fish and pond management to Harrell and his 50 year experience he was willing to share with me.” In 2009, Steve completed his Bachelors degree and began pursuing a Masters degree in Fisheries Science under Dr. Masser at Texas A&M University.
See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at fishiding.com, the leader in proven science based, fish protection.
Lake Management Services:
“It is important to take a proactive approach on the management of your lake. It is not usually the case that you stock the lake with fish and never need to further maintainence. Aquatic environments change making it imperative to pay close attention to the lake and see the signs of problems before they become to severe.”
Water Quality Analysis
Water quality is extremely important and monitoring certain parameters of water quality can be beneficial. If you have a water quality report and need help interpreting the results and would like recommendations please fill out the form below. If you would like to get a water quality sample analyzed it is easiest to send a sample to Texas AgriLife Extension Service. First download the waterweb1 form, follow the instructions for bottling, and mail the sample to the correct shipping address based on your carrier. In most cases sampling technique 1 is usually sufficient. If you have any questions please email steven@texasprolakemanagement.com or call.
Why is Aeration Needed?
Oxygen in lakes and ponds comes from two main sources; direct contact with the atmosphere and photosynthesis of phytoplankton. Usually these two processes can provide enough dissolved oxygen to maintain a healthy fish population, however during hot summer day’s lakes can become stratified. In a stratified lake the deep water below the thermocline becomes cooler, holds little to no oxygen, and does not mix with the surface water where oxygen is more abundant. To make matters worse, the loss of oxygen can cause carbon dioxide to build up and change the bacterial decomposers from aerobic to anaerobic organisms. The resulting byproducts of the new anaerobic decomposers are black muck and hydrogen sulfide.
The stratification of a lake becomes a problem when a cold front hits, or during a heavy thunderstorm. During these events the surface water cools and causes rapid mixing, which brings the toxic bottom water to the surface. The toxins can kill the zooplankton and fish, taking up even more oxygen. Depending on the severity of the turnover, fish may start dying from lack of oxygen. Usually, the oldest and largest fish die first.
If stratification has become extremely sever this oxygen shortage can happen overnight. As phytoplankton do not produce oxygen during night because of the lack of sunlight. If an oxygen shortage occurs over night usually the owner will see many dead fish with little to no signs of cause, as oxygen levels can become normal quickly after sunrise.
How Do We Aerate a Lake Properly?
To prevent stratification and low dissolved oxygen we can aerate the bottom water. Aeration is done by using compressed air to continuously move large volumes of low-oxygen water from the bottom to the surface of the lake. When the entire lake is oxygenated, fish are able to feed in the deep portions of the lake. This method of aeration reduces algal growth by reducing the release of nutrients from lake sediments. Benefits include improved water quality and clarity, prevention of fish kills and reduced occurrence of algae blooms, disease and odor.
All aeration systems from Texas Pro Lake Management will be custom designed for your lake. Many factors can determine the equipment needed for your situation and the overall cost of the system. Please contact me with any aeration questions, or sizing by phone or by email at steven@texasprolakemanagement.com
Fish Stocking:
Fish can be stocked throughout Central Texas at all times of the year with few exceptions for certain temerature sensitive species. Stocking your lake is the most rewarding and important decision when establishing your ecosystem. While it’s easy to get carried away and go straight to adding Gamefish, don’t forget to start with the basics and establish your bait fish. Often times, people are impressed with how quickly they are able to see a return on their investment when they take the time to establish their food chain appropriately from the beginning.