
Dog Days of Summer, teaching Youth at Outdoor Expo

This weekend a hundred kids got to tell dogs to go jump in the lake as part of some environmental lessons.

Wisconsin’s official state dog is the water spaniel – a great choice for a lake laden land.

If Minnesota was to choose one, the Labrador retriever would be a good candidate.

It’s hard to keep the water loving pooches out of the H20.

The Duluth Retriever Club’s members can vouch for that.

“We’re dedicated to training dogs; hunting dogs and field trial dogs and hunt test dogs.”

The club’s labs took center stage on Saturday as part of the Izaak Walton League’s semi-annual Youth Outdoor Expo.

The expo gets kids off the couch and away from the keyboard for real world experiences.

“That’s what the Izaak Walton League is all about; getting kids outdoors and into outdoor sports.”

Walton was a 17th century English author and fisherman.
The league named after him was founded in Chicago in 1922 to preserve fish habitat.

Now, all environmental issues concern them.

This expo will teach the kids about hunting ethics and conservation by letting them handle dogs themselves in single mark water retrieves.

“The dog has to sit, be steady; it can’t leave until you instruct the dog to leave.”

Nearly a hundred kids took turns handling the dogs.

Montessori School teacher Sarah Pelto brought some of her relatives to the session.

She feels kids need lessons in and out of the classroom.

“It’s important they have a broad base of experience so they can have a good foundation for learning and growing and knowing about options in life.”

The Twin Ports chapter of the Izaak Walton League is already planning their next Youth Outdoor Expo.

It will be this spring at Hartley Nature Center and will focus on topics related to fishing.

See the dozens of unique artificial fish habitat models, fish attractors and fish cover used at, the industry leader and only science based, man made and artificial fish habitat, proven to provide all fish with cover they prefer to prosper.

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